Since some months there’s a new point of view over the top of Bologna: it’s San Petronio’s Terrace on which it’s possible to access thanks to the scaffoldings that are there for the cathedral’s restructuring works.
For gaining access to the terrace you have to go on the back of the Cathedral, in Piazza Galvani. After registration and having paid 3€ it’s possible to go up to the top with a service elevator (a little bit wobbly… but no worries it’s all ok 😉 ) or you can step it up with the scaffoldings’ stairs (but be careful… they are really a lot!). Any way you chose to go up you’ll find yourself shouting out “WOUUUU”, viewing an unusual glimpse over Bologna at 54meters high! What a view!
This place (and other interesting events)are held by the association Succede solo a Bologna with the project“Io Sostengo San Petronio” born in 2015 to help raising the funds for some urgent restructuring works of San Petronio’s cathedral. This symbol of the city is indipendent from the Church and the Municipality and it lives thanks to privates’s capitals. This information kind of surprised me, but I think that’s a thing that can happen in such a free and unique city as Bologna.
I went up a morning during a sunny wintertime morning (a day my mum was visiting me and we were alone, just us and the view!) but also for one of the “aperitivi” that take place during the summertime! So I was able to enjoy of the different colours of the view depending on the time of the day or season…
I must say that the aperitivo/ dinner was such an amazing experience! I was there on a super hot night of this July and I could enjoy, from 7 to 10 pm, of an amazing show: caressed by a refreshing breeze I saw the city changing colours, going through orange and pink at sunset time until the intense blue of the night. I was just going from a side to another for watching the different views, on the side of the hills and San Luca’s Sanctuary and on the one with the city center and the two towers 🙂
That night there also was a full red moon, a really amazing show just for us!
During those nights there are tables and chairs on the terrace, where you can relax, enjoy the view and the rich aperitivo, maybe call it a real bolognese dinner: pizza, focacce, pasta con il ragù, tigelle e crescentine with cheeses and cold cuts and local wines! The night I was there there was a birthday party, groups of friends and some couples that were romantically enjoying the situation. A perfect atmosphere to celebrate something special with someone special <3
The aperitivo nights in 2016 will go on even in September and you’ll find all the dates and the informations to their website at this link.
The terrace will be then open all year long with this opening hours>
Monday- Friday entrance at 11.00, 12.00, 15.00 e 16.00.
Saturdays, Sundays and non working days from 10.00-17.00.
I suggest to always check their website and maybe give them a call because there can be special events or guided tours, so better be sure before organizing your visit.
I love to watch Bologna from the top, everytime I enjoy that as a really exciting event. Everything seems so small and quiet, warm and welcoming. Yes, you could suffer of some vertigos at 54meters high but… (maybe this is the reason why I love big heights):